I'm so happy that you found my web site.
It was my own openness to feel better from
the symptoms of compounded stress in my
life that led me to search for complementary
healing methods.
My hope is that you will discover
something here that will inspire you to lead a happier life;
I will be honored to assist you on that path. ~ Carla
Child of Light
Child of Light, I Bless You!
I think of you, I pray for you, not in terms of what I think you need, or what I think you should do or be or express. I lift up my thoughts about you. I catch a new vision of you. I see you as a child of light. I see you guided and directed by an inward Spirit that leads you unerringly into the path that is right for you. I see you strong and whole;
I see you blessed and prosperous; I see you courageous and confident; I see you capable and successful. I see you free from limitation or bondage of any kind. I see you as the spiritually perfect being you truly are. Child of light, I bless you! AUTHOR UNKNOWN |
"My son used to yell and cry, throw things off his desk and refuse to do work when his teacher corrected him. After seeing Carla, he can easily calm himself down, and his outlook on life is much more positive. He enjoys school and is getting A's." Barbara "After a few sessions concerning financial problems, my husband and I began to take steps to relieve our fears and worries about abundance. We now meet all our financial obligations with ease and the money keeps rolling in from unexpected places." Elaine |
carla.austin11@gmail.com 503-880-8165